Sunday, January 28, 2024



                           Driving Me Crazy

I have reached that Golden Age, whatever that means, and there are things that drive me crazy in my life. I guess I am a cranky old man.

 Movies today can cost up to 450 million dollars depending on the cast, location and setting, extras, administration, and distribution costs. How do they control their costs? They do it by filming in the dark. There is no need for props; the actors are often dubbed in. The problem for the viewer is that one cannot see anything, even when watching in a completely darkened room. You can hear the action but can’t see anything.

 On a multi-lane highway, the left lane is called the passing lane. It is not the lane to drive under the speed limit while talking on the phone. On the contrary, tailgating someone who rightfully is passing someone is dangerous and more than discourteous. In Vermont, it’s not unusual in a state with primarily single-lane roads, many dirt, to have someone passing you over a double line or driving well below the speed limit, causing you to think that it would be nice to bump into them and run them off the road.

 I know some brilliant people who are absolute morons. They may have a high IQ, but that doesn’t prevent them from making stupid decisions. The same is true for people with low IQs. For example, the MAGA followers, their supreme commander Donald J. Trump, and many GOP members are prime examples.


Have you ever received an email addressed to many people only to have them “reply all,” jamming up your inbox with unwanted inane wittering? Have you ever unsubscribed from a site only to not have it work? Have you ever received an email from someone that tells you that they have collected money from you for a service when you have never heard of them and there is no way for them to do that? Have you ever emailed someone who never replies or only answers one question when you have asked two? Have you ever received an email that ended up in your Spam folder for no reason?

  Door handles in public toilets that you have to pull when exiting. I’ve just washed and dried my hands, and now I have to touch the grimy door that everyone who didn’t wash their hands touched.

When people recite a phone number on a message too fast, I have to replay it six times to write it down. Slow down!

Wait staff who put the cutlery directly onto the table that you know was wiped with a skanky, dirty cloth 5 minutes ago. Germs! Please put it on a napkin or a plate!

Why do manufacturers pack items in that sealed hard plastic that is impossible to open? You need a hunting knife to pierce that stuff and take your life into your hands to cut it away. Scissors, ironically, are always packed like this.

Over-sharers on Facebook. Do you have to check yourself in ten times daily so everyone knows you’re at the gym, at lunch, making baked beans for dinner, watching Netflix? NO ONE CARES.

 Do I need to know Kim Kardashian ate a salad and used pine nuts instead of walnuts? Why is this news?

 Autocorrect insists that I would like to follow “Michelle” with “Obama” every time I type it.

 Leaving the dish scrubber in the sink with the dirty dishes. I don’t want to reach into the mucky water to find the thing. And if it’s gross, I have to clean it off so I can use it to scrub the dishes. Come on!”

  People making a phone call while simultaneously making a transaction with a live human being in front of them. “

 The weatherman predicts, “A sunny day coming up…a good day to go to the beach.” You pack up and head to the beach only to have it begin raining. It’s one of the few occupations where you can be wrong and not get fired.

 Restaurants that have TVs going plus songs piped in. If I want to watch TV or listen to music, I’ll eat at home or turn the radio on in my car. Massive noise and salads do not mix.

 Calling companies and getting messages saying: “Your call is important to us.” If it’s that important, perhaps you should answer the phone.


Potholes, ruts, and other bumps can take a chunk out of car owners’ wallets.


When I spill/break/drop stuff. Besides the mess factor, spilling/breaking/dropping stuff makes me feel klutzy and old.

 People who invade your personal space while waiting. I could never understand the need for someone to stand right next to, behind, or even beside you while waiting.

People who purposely leave letters out of words they are texting or using anachronisms that require me to Google to find the meaning. NSFW, IMHO, B4N, etc.

 Tonail Fungus Commercials. Please, stop the insanity. I have to turn my head during this awful display of toenail dysfunctions. Yuck!

Pop-up screens. I have found a way to avoid them. So when I am exposed to them, it makes me think ugly thoughts about the product it advertises.

 And so on and so on.

 These aggravations of life are not going away, so what do we do with them? Get them off our chests! I just did. Thanks for letting me vent. Just call me a cranky old man.



  1. You are a cranky old man.
    {There. Are you satisfied now?}

    1. Hey, that comment does not have my name on it. I don’t get credit for being a cranky old lady? Rats!!
