Thursday, February 1, 2024


                                Are you a conspiracy theorist?

 If you frequently read internet news and believe what you read on social media, you may have unwittingly become a “conspiracy theorist.”

 1. LBJ and the CIA killed President John F. Kennedy.

 2. The moon astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, were Freemasons who were in on the plot to make a fake moon landing movie.

 3. The moon itself is older than the Earth and is a space station built by our intergalactic alien masters as a forward outpost to give us the seasons, put us on monthly work cycles, cause women to have their periods, and control the fate of the world

 4. Princess Diana faked her death to escape the limelight of constant paparazzi harassment. She still lives in seclusion somewhere, probably in France, but sneaks out occasionally to perform good deeds,

 5. The 911 crash on the Twin Towers was a hologram perpetrated by a secret government agency to rally America for the never-ending “War on Terror” abroad and to attack Americans’ civil liberties at home.

 6. There are aliens; moreover, they have disguised themselves as the great royal families and have secretly ruled the Earth since dawn.

 7. The U.S. media is an effective corporate-government partnership. Five or six corporations control 90% of all media in the U.S.

 8. Government mind control is now so refined that even famous stars from the movies and music industries (e.g., Madonna, Lady Gaga) are just mind-controlled sex slaves, used as pawns by the Illuminati, both to influence society and also for their own personal, sexual gratification.

 9. The super-rich conspire to create a One-World Government ruled via multinational corporations with only nominal democratic influence.

 10. Chemtrails are water condensation trails (contrails) from aircraft that contain chemical or biological agents or a supposedly toxic mix of aluminum, strontium, and barium under secret government policies.


11. QAnon is a widespread conspiracy theory that a group of Democrats and elites are attempting to undermine Donald Trump’s potential presidency.


12. Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates uses COVID-19 vaccines to implant people with location-tracking microchips.


13. Walt Disney was cryogenically frozen, and they made the movie Frozen so that when people googled ‘Walt Disney Frozen’ the movie would come up first.”


14. Flat Earth. Just...everything about it.”


15. All of this information came to my mind without the help of Google.


16. Yeti and the Abominable Snowman were sent to Earth as alien watchdogs to watch out for future food sources.


17. Deepwater Horizon, the fatal oil rig accident, was carried out by sabotage to promote environmentalism or a strike by Russian or North Korean submarines.


18. Denying the Holocaust.


19. The claim that the government utilizes direct energy weapons and electronic surveillance to harass members of the population.


20. Ex-president Trump was the best President in history, and he truly wants to make America great again


And finally...

“That owning chickens is the gateway drug to believing conspiracy theories.”

Oh, FYI, I don’t own chickens.



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