Friday, February 2, 2024



                                         Belt Buckle

 This morning, while looking in the mirror shaving, I noticed that my belt buckle wasn't precisely facing outward. It was facing out but not perpendicular to the floor like it was designed to be. It had been altered in some way. I removed my belt to examine it. The belt portion wasn't warped or twisted, and the buckle was attached correctly. I thought it was my trousers, so I removed them to determine if an extra material might have unnaturally caused the buckle to tilt forward.

 At this point, my wife entered the bathroom, and seeing me standing there with shaving cream all over my face, a belt in one hand, and my pants in the other, she asked what in God's name I was doing.

 "My buckle wasn't facing forward like it should, so I thought maybe it was broken, or maybe my pants had an extra fold, " I replied.

 My wife just shook her head.

  "Look, stand up as straight as you can." she half demanded.

 I dropped my clothing to comply with her wishes, confident she had solved this problem.

 "Now, without bending over, look at your feet."

 I tilted my head forward until my double chin prevented me from going further.

 "I can't see them!" I remarked.

 My wife smiled, turned, and strolled from the room.

"Case solved! You can be an absolute moron sometimes!

 Thus started my week from hell. It was 7:00 am on Monday, and I was already a moron. 

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